Fun with Above the Garage Productions

and other Really Random Stuff


Wednesday, January 14, 1998 - Fun on the Web ...


As a result of the Gamasutra article I've gotten some nice feedback from visitors to my Web Site. Since the Gamasutra people didn't put a link here, various souls had to search the Web to find me. (Gamasutra has since very kindly added a link to Above the Garage Productions and a 'mailto' type link to me.)


One intrepid Web Surfer, Stan Drutis, found Above the Garage Productions but wasn't sure it was the right place because my main index page is pretty simple and boring.


So he redesigned it! You can see his redesign here. I like it, but I like my boring index page better. The main reason is that it's very simple and that makes it a lot easier for me to add and remove stuff without too much serious reorganization. Even writing a short blt like this takes a lot of time and I like to be as efficient as possible. But I will take his advice and put some better clues that Above the Garage Productions is actually a game / 3D company up front.


Speaking of which, once I finally got around to registering Above the Garage Productions with the state of Washington, I started receiving all kinds of parts catalogs for automobiles. If I ever get interested in fixing my own car I'll know where to go for wholesale parts!

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